Baby Planet

Baby Planet is a family-run business that offers a wide range of nursery products. Since 2002, the brand has grown to be one of the largest independent nursery retailers in the country, offering a vast selection of stock via four physical retail stores alongside a large ecommerce site.

We launched our campaign for Baby Planet back in September 2021, with the client seeking to grow their brand via affiliate. As the sector can be very competitive, the brand was keen to focus on offering best-in-market deals to attract the most custom.

Our results

traffic uplift
1,029% (2022)
conversion rate

In 2022, our campaign began to pay serious dividends, with our client recording a traffic uplift of 52.3%, an ROI of 1029%, and a 4.82% conversion rate over the course of the year.

What makes this even more impressive was the fact that our client managed to retain such strong results post-pandemic, when ecommerce transactions and affiliate performance tended to slump. Our campaign bucked this trend by successfully maintaining a strong ROI, COS, and conversion rate through 2022.

[All figures refer to 2022]

Our solution

Baby Planet offer top-quality products from some of the best known brands in their sector, so the bulk of our affiliate marketing strategy revolved around providing the most competitive discounts via very carefully selected affiliate partners. We primarily focused on healthcare, discount, and voucher sites, as well as charity affiliates.

Community affiliate sites such as hotukdeals proved particularly effective: the site uses a voting system, so the more likes, the hotter the deal. We were able to succeed by intentionally undercutting our client’s competitors by a significant margin, which then spurred the hotukdeals community to upvote our client’s discounts and products. Community affiliate sites like hotukdeals can be quite ruthless, as users have very high standards for deals and discounts. But this approach proved very successful and drove a lot of conversions. Our client was thrilled by the volume of orders he was receiving from the hotukdeals site alone!

We also targeted health and medical affiliates, such as Blue Light Card, which gives frontline healthcare and emergency service workers access to exclusive deals and discounts. This is a closed user group, meaning there’s minimal risk of a code going viral, which protected our client’s margins. Additionally, supporting healthcare workers is a cause that our client really cares about, so they were pleased to have an opportunity to give something back (especially during and after the pandemic) via their affiliate scheme.

Want to achieve results like these?

Get in touch today to find out how our affiliate marketing team could help you build profitable partnerships.

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  • affiliate marketing
  • affiliate marketing