House of Malt

High quality, well-optimised category content can have a transformative impact on rankings, as shown by our campaign for House of Malt.

The retailer of premium spirits enlisted our help with their online presence in September 2021. Their traffic had stagnated after lockdown lifted, leading to diminishing revenue from ecommerce.


House of Malt challenged us to deliver an organic search campaign that would improve their presence in the search engine results. As a small, family-run business, the brand’s budget was relatively limited, so economical use of resource would be essential during this campaign.

Our results

YoY increase in organic sessions after 12 months
+910% (+91)
YoY increase in top 3 keywords
+413% (+343)
YoY increase in front-page keywords
+92% (+1,056)
YoY increase in front-page keywords
+101% (+745)
YoY increase in organic keywords
+149% (+201)
YoY increase in top 3 keywords

Our content optimisation strategy began to pay dividends in a very short time. Within just 12 months of publishing the content, House of Malt’s organic performance was completely transformed, with significant increases in organic sessions, revenue, and keyword rankings.

Our client saw a 180% YoY increase in organic sessions to category pages, and a 30% YoY increase in all organic sessions. Revenue also began to climb, with our client recording a 68% YoY increase in organic revenue to category pages, and a 23% YoY uplift in overall organic revenue. They also tracked a 23% (+1,950) YoY increase in organic keywords. We’ll raise a glass to those results!

Our solution

With limited resources to deploy, our Tech team identified the biggest area of opportunity on the House of Malt site. With a huge inventory of products and a very large number of category URLs, we decided that optimising these pages for search would help our client regain some of that lost traffic and revenue. So, alongside fixing a few technical issues with the site, we assigned all budgeted resources towards a content optimisation campaign.

Our six-strong team of experienced and talented SEO copywriters got to work. Over the course of the next year, they created optimised content for over 250 category pages. Using professional tech tools like ahrefs, they identified high-volume search keywords that would drive maximum traffic to each category page. They also included SEO-rich internal links, carefully selected and worded to drive maximum authority to key product pages.

All work was of the highest standard, balancing SEO-friendly optimisation elements with top-quality commercial copywriting. They took care to maintain our client’s brand voice and promote their unique selling points to help drive conversions once the user landed on the page. This approach ensured that our client’s category pages weren’t just designed for search engines: the copy would genuinely enhance the customer experience, too.


Here at Glass Digital, we never charge for our Technical SEO services, so all of our initial technical site recommendations and strategy were completely free. This meant that all budgeted hours could go towards the work that would have the greatest impact on their site, ensuring our client was getting the most out of their budget.

Want to achieve results like these?

Get in touch today to find out how our content, outreach and technical SEO specialists could help you improve your Google rankings.

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  • organic search
  • digital pr
  • organic search
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